Pitter Patterson

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Bye Bye Baby

For the first time ever in her 3.75 years of life, my "baby" put herself to sleep last night. I have such mixed emotions about it that I just had to tell somebody. Almost every night of her life thus far we have "spooned" while she falls asleep. I LOVE this time with her because I absolutely love just laying there smelling her sweet little smell. But then I also lay there thinking about all the other things I need to be doing before bed (her bedtime ritual takes 20+ minutes). So last night, out of the blue, she announced that she was putting HERSELF to bed. DH and I exchanged knowing glances and giggled at the idea. She has never let DH put her to bed if I am in the house much less gone to sleep without SOMEONE lying with her. I assumed after a few minutes she'd be calling for me as usual..... but she did not. :( She drifted off to sleep on her own. Without me. (Sob). I am losing my baby one little milestone at a time. I am so proud of her for taking the initiative.... and yet so sad for myself that "that time" has come when SHE is ready to be a big girl. (sigh....)


Blogger Mrs Pop said...

Those milestones are killers, aren't they? My heart breaks into a million tiny little pieces while simultaneously swelling with awe, wonder, pride, and love with each one.

12:47 PM  

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