Pitter Patterson

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh, Hi!

Remember me? Yeah, been a little busy lately. What with kids and dance and soccer and HOLIDAYS involving multiple egg hunts and whatnot. DH has also been in the process of implementing a major budget overhaul for our household which requires him to tie up my computer for hours in the evening. I guess that's okay since it leaves me with nothing else to do but exercise!! And on that note, I've been on this exercise kick for precisely one month now. It's really been more like two months... but I only really got serious about it and started tracking my workouts/calorie intake a month ago. The scale has yet to budge more than a pound or two (give or take) but I remain hopeful because I am seeing definite muscle tone! And that was my original goal more so than real weight loss anyway.

Enough for now.....

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Bye Bye Baby

For the first time ever in her 3.75 years of life, my "baby" put herself to sleep last night. I have such mixed emotions about it that I just had to tell somebody. Almost every night of her life thus far we have "spooned" while she falls asleep. I LOVE this time with her because I absolutely love just laying there smelling her sweet little smell. But then I also lay there thinking about all the other things I need to be doing before bed (her bedtime ritual takes 20+ minutes). So last night, out of the blue, she announced that she was putting HERSELF to bed. DH and I exchanged knowing glances and giggled at the idea. She has never let DH put her to bed if I am in the house much less gone to sleep without SOMEONE lying with her. I assumed after a few minutes she'd be calling for me as usual..... but she did not. :( She drifted off to sleep on her own. Without me. (Sob). I am losing my baby one little milestone at a time. I am so proud of her for taking the initiative.... and yet so sad for myself that "that time" has come when SHE is ready to be a big girl. (sigh....)