Pitter Patterson

Friday, February 29, 2008

Another one bites the dust.....

Last night while logging in the requisite 45 minutes on the treadmill, I decided to try watching a movie on the kids' portable DVD player. Unfortunately, I realized the only adult movie we own is Castaway. But, the ipod's batteries were low so I went with the movie. I LOVE Tom Hanks and I love Castaway, but I can hardly stand to watch the scene when his leg gets gashed on the coral. So when that came up, I thought "I'll just close my eyes for a sec...." And the next thing I knew, I was laid out face down and headed 3.8 mph in the wrong direction (that's fast when you've only got three feet to go). Before I could even process what had just happened, I was up and going again..... I guess I must have shaken the whole ceiling when I hit the deck because DH came running up to check on me. I just smiled and waved like nothing happened :) Damn you, Healthrider.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cruel Deceit

Healthrider, you are one mean bastard. You let me be so proud of myself for THREE miles and almost 500 calories behind me on multiple occasions. Do you realize how many powdered donuts that is? DO you? I just uncovered your filthy lie, though, Healthrider. I THOUGHT I heard you laughing at me.... and now I know it's true. Sparkpeople just told me so. You can't burn 500 calories in 3 miles unless you are running TWENTY-ISH miles per hour. Maybe something is wonky with your circa 1995 motherboard or whatever gadgetry-ish filth is inside your deceitful box of lies. Surely you couldn't intentionally be so cruel?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Conversations in the key of "O"

Amidst a conversation with Big O (5yr old) about someone's hair:

Me: How could you see her neck? Her hair is long.
O: No, her hair is short.
Me: I just saw her an hour ago and it was long.
O: Well, I saw her this morning and it was short.
Me: Okay, so it grew long in just one day?
O: Well, maybe it was a long day....

I guess she told me.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Happy but Sad?

Happiness is discovering the allergy medicine that keeps you functioning normally is going to cost you 50% LESS now that it's over-the-counter!

Sadness..... (sigh) sadness is discovering that you just drank (multiple times) out of your father-in-law's cup when he's been sick with the flu/crud/croupy junk. Oh.... I really could just cry.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

fuzzy lovies

I have one sibling, a brother that is 6 1/2 years older. If you're familiar with the Birth Order tribe, then you know that regardless of the above, I am an only child. I remember the years my brother was in middle and high school and I was merely his lowly servant - and HAPPY to be. I spent most of my childhood in my little make-believe world with Barbies and Breyer horses - playing alone. I'd never even considered that as sad until my girls became old enough to really enjoy each others' company. Don't get me wrong, I had a happy childhood - but I'm realizing what a difference it would have made if I'd had a sister to play with. Today Big O (5 yr old) went to a dance camp with her two best buds. One of the other moms was obviously NOT THINKING when she invited the other little girl over to play after the camp and left Big O standing there like a broken third wheel. My heart broke for her but I sucked it up and played it down. Shortly after arriving home I caught myself listening to my girls playing together in the playroom. Tears almost welled up in my eyes because I realized that they are going to be there for each other (whether they like it or not!) forever. How much harder would today have been if Big O had come home to an empty house to play alone? I'm sure she'd have much preferred her 5 yr old friends over little sister..... but little sister was a heckuvalot better than no one!! And no Ellen, this post is not for you :) I am just feeling particularly thankful today for the fact that God gave these girls each other.