Pitter Patterson

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Every morning for the last week or two, the radio station I listen to while getting dressed in the morning has played a short clip of the "Halloween" theme song. I'm 34 years old and that song STILL makes the hair on my neck stand up. I passed a "Michael" mask in the Halloween store the other day and chills ran up my spine. What is it about that movie? I was thinking of all the other "scary" movies from my childhood: Nightmare on Elm Street, The Shining, Poltergeist, etc.. But Michael Meyers truly scared the hell out of me. Then I started thinking about why they don't make movies like that any more. I came to the realization that the stuff that used to be 'scary' is now another day in the headlines. Mentally ill people roaming the street and hurting others? Happens every day. Son kills his parents? Not that original. Demons in one's head ? Take some Prozac. So what WOULD scare us these days?