Pitter Patterson

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Puppy Love

Yeah, so it's a face only a mother could love. But, OH, is she ever lovable! The girls are absolutely in heaven with this scruffy little puppy. So far, she has been the model house guest. You can't tell in the picture I've posted, but she is TEENY TINY! More pictures later...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Doggone CrAzY

My girls are both BIG animal lovers and have been begging for a pet for as long as they've been speaking. I'd been putting it off until they were old enough to have some responsibility. But then a few months ago I realized that I am like REALLY allergic to some dogs. But, I just haven't been able to resign myself to them not getting a dog because of me. So I started researching alot of different breeds and had narrowed it down to a couple of different 'hypo-allergenic' breeds. But the question still remained as to how much of a reaction I would have to them? I had actually kind of dropped the subject the last couple of weeks because I just felt too conflicted and had know way of knowing what my allergies would do even around these supposedly 'hypo-allergenic' dogs. Until yesterday. When a relative brought her dog to visit and lo and behold it was one of the breeds I'd researched! And I fell in love with her. And my allergies didn't go nuts. And so as of tonight, I have a deposit on an 11 week old Affenpinscher female puppy. We're going to get her Saturday afternoon and I am beside myself!! I can't believe I'm doing this!! My girls don't even know yet!! I KNOW I will hate myself in t-minus 48 hrs when she's whining all night and peeing on my new antique rug. But right now I can hardly wait to meet her!! So, I am attaching a picture of the baby I hope to call "Maggie" - whether or not that will end up being her name remains to be seen since Big O told me tonight if she ever had a dog she would name it CRYSTAL. Is it just me, or does that sound like a stripper?

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